Moving out


Moving out

A checklist for moving out will be available on your log in page 14 days before your contract ends. This must be filled out with any deviations you find in your apartment.


The apartment must be emptied and cleaned according to our standard before delivering the keys. Deviations from our cleaning standard will be invoiced after you have moved out. See our guide for cleaning by clicking on "Final Cleaning". 

Remember to check your postbox and empty your storage unit. Cleaning staff will conduct an inspection of the apartment after the Housing Office has received your keys. The cleaning department does not offer cleaning services. 

It is not allowed to leave furniture and other private belongings in the apartment or in common areas. A fee for removal will be invoiced. To see where you can dispose of furniture please click on "Bulky waste" below.


The keys & laundry chip must be delivered at 11AM at the latest in the morning the day your contract ends. The keys must be on a keyring and must be put in the key drop box outside the entrance to the Service Centre (in Storgata 89). You can access the key drop box 24/7 as it is located outside the office wall.


The advance rent will cover your two last months of rent. However, if you have failed to pay rent during the tenancy you will be invoiced the amount remaining. NOTE: It can take 1-3 working days from the invoicing date until the rent is covered by advance rent in our system.